Projects under Godavari river in Telangana

Blog Last Updated on 9 years by

Projects under Godavari river in Telangana Notes:

Dear Telangna Aspirants,

In this post am giving notes on Projects under Godavari river in Telangana.In this Post we mainly discuss on the Different projects that are constructed on Godavari River in Telangana state. As we know that Godavari and Krishna Rivers are Main water sources for Telangana.This notes will be useful for job aspirants , who are preparing for Groups,Tspsc exams, AEE’s and Police jobs in telangana state.This notes will definitely helps to you get perfect score in the Telangana(TSPSC) exams.

Here are the Points to be Noted:

1.Inchampalli projectKarimnagar( joint venture of Maharashtra, chattishgar, Telangana)

2.Yellampalli projectKarimnagar (also called sripada sagar project)

3.Kanthanapally projectWarangal( eturunagaram mandal)

4.Nizam sagar- nizamabad

5.Sriram sagar or pochampadunizamabad

6.Singur dammedak( built on river manjera)

7.Devadula lift irrigation projectWarangal

8.Pranahita chevella lift irrigation schemeranga reddy

9.Polavaram projectkhammam and west Godavari (Telangana and Ap border)

 Want to know more about Projects in Telangana, Here the one more post which gives you information about Projects Krishna Projects in Telangana

Region      Catchment Area     Cultivable land     Irrigated Area
Andhra             21%               30%                56.5%
Telangana        79%               70%                28%

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Siliveru Rakesh
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